Animated transitions example
This example shows two ways to animate transitions:
When using the
binding, you can provideafterAdd
callbacks. These let you intercept the code that actually adds or removes elements, so you can trivially use something like jQuery’sslideUp
animation methods or similar. To see this in action, switch between different planet types, or add new planets. -
It’s not hard to write a custom Knockout binding that manipulates element states in arbitrary ways according to the value of an observable. Check the HTML source code to see a custom binding called
that, whenever an observable value changes, uses jQuery’sfadeIn
functions to animate the associated DOM element. To see this in action, check and uncheck the “advanced options” checkbox.
Live example
Source code: View
<h2>Planets</h2> <p> <label> <input type='checkbox' data-bind='checked: displayAdvancedOptions' /> Display advanced options </label> </p> <p data-bind='fadeVisible: displayAdvancedOptions'> Show: <label><input type='radio' name="type" value='all' data-bind='checked: typeToShow' />All</label> <label><input type='radio' name="type" value='rock' data-bind='checked: typeToShow' />Rocky planets</label> <label><input type='radio' name="type" value='gasgiant' data-bind='checked: typeToShow' />Gas giants</label> </p> <div data-bind='template: { foreach: planetsToShow, beforeRemove: hidePlanetElement, afterAdd: showPlanetElement }'> <div data-bind='attr: { "class": "planet " + type }, text: name'> </div> </div> <p data-bind='fadeVisible: displayAdvancedOptions'> <button data-bind='click: addPlanet.bind($data, "rock")'>Add rocky planet</button> <button data-bind='click: addPlanet.bind($data, "gasgiant")'>Add gas giant</button> </p>
Source code: View model
var PlanetsModel = function() { this.planets = ko.observableArray([ { name: "Mercury", type: "rock"}, { name: "Venus", type: "rock"}, { name: "Earth", type: "rock"}, { name: "Mars", type: "rock"}, { name: "Jupiter", type: "gasgiant"}, { name: "Saturn", type: "gasgiant"}, { name: "Uranus", type: "gasgiant"}, { name: "Neptune", type: "gasgiant"} ]); this.typeToShow = ko.observable("all"); this.displayAdvancedOptions = ko.observable(false); this.addPlanet = function(type) { this.planets.push({ name: "New planet", type: type }); }; this.planetsToShow = ko.pureComputed(function() { // Represents a filtered list of planets // i.e., only those matching the "typeToShow" condition var desiredType = this.typeToShow(); if (desiredType == "all") return this.planets(); return ko.utils.arrayFilter(this.planets(), function(planet) { return planet.type == desiredType; }); }, this); // Animation callbacks for the planets list this.showPlanetElement = function(elem) { if (elem.nodeType === 1) $(elem).hide().slideDown() } this.hidePlanetElement = function(elem) { if (elem.nodeType === 1) $(elem).slideUp(function() { $(elem).remove(); }) } }; // Here's a custom Knockout binding that makes elements shown/hidden via jQuery's fadeIn()/fadeOut() methods // Could be stored in a separate utility library ko.bindingHandlers.fadeVisible = { init: function(element, valueAccessor) { // Initially set the element to be instantly visible/hidden depending on the value var value = valueAccessor(); $(element).toggle(ko.unwrap(value)); // Use "unwrapObservable" so we can handle values that may or may not be observable }, update: function(element, valueAccessor) { // Whenever the value subsequently changes, slowly fade the element in or out var value = valueAccessor(); ko.unwrap(value) ? $(element).fadeIn() : $(element).fadeOut(); } }; ko.applyBindings(new PlanetsModel());